CEO of billion-dollar tech business steps up at Bulldogs as chairman departs

According to sources from Canterbury, there is no tension between Khoury and his fellow directors, and he will retain his position on the board.

Khoury is expected to formally announce these changes and introduce the new chairman during Sunday’s annual general meeting at Canterbury League Club.

“Throughout my time as chairman, our board has consistently prioritized the interests of the club, leading by example, which has always been my guiding principle,” Khoury stated.

“I am proud of the accomplishments during my tenure as chair across all aspects of the club, and I have always advocated for succession planning. We have a well-thought-out succession plan in place, and we are committed to seeing it through.”

Bulldogs CEO Aaron Warburton and chairman John Khoury in the stands.

He emphasized that the decision is unanimous and expressed his dedication to continue serving as a dual director of both the football and league clubs, a role he values greatly. Khoury expressed disappointment that news surfaced prior to the AGM and his scheduled announcement but reiterated his unwavering support for the Bulldogs.

Khoury has navigated a challenging period in the club’s history, taking over from his predecessor Lynne Anderson after she and two key directors resigned in 2020. He brought Driussi onto the board in 2022.

Driussi, co-founder of Quantium, an esteemed data analytics business, declined to comment on the board changes but emphasized the unity and camaraderie among the directors.

“John has done an excellent job fostering a cohesive board where we have developed strong friendships,” Driussi remarked. “Any suggestion of division or discord within the board is completely unfounded.”

There were initial concerns about potential opposition from a rival ticket at the AGM, but the current directors are set to be re-appointed uncontested.

Meanwhile, the Bulldogs are undergoing a rebuilding phase under coach Cameron Ciraldo and general manager Phil Gould, with significant roster changes aimed at revitalizing the team’s performance. The club recently secured several new signings, including Stephen Crichton, Connor Tracey, Blake Taaffe, Jaeman Salmon, Josh Curran, Drew Hutchison, Kurt Mann, Jake Turpin, and Bronson Xerri. In their first trial match against the Melbourne Storm, the Bulldogs impressed with a 24-12 victory, showcasing the potential of their revamped squad.

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