Just In: Last thing downtown Chicago needs is NASCAR race.

NOTHING SAYS “FOURTH OF JULY WEEKEND” in downtown Chicago quite like grossly gone-from-Carolina NASCAR races.

In fact, it’s a shame that The City That Quirks can’t send something equally futile back to the American southeast as a sign of acknowledgment.

Then, perhaps, the ’24 White Sox could play a four-game series at Darlington.

That’d be certain to set the General Lees and Bootie Barkers snoozin’.

Or maybe the ship-shelled Bulls could present a Zach LaVine Moto-Clog Weekend at Talladega — ideally presented by Green Roads Gummies or some other wildwood weed.

INSTEAD, FOR A SECOND CONSECUTIVE fume-driven Fourth, the stock-car aces will be taking over Grant Park and environs in disruptive spectacles that Chicago needs like a Chuck E. Cheese Exhibit at The Art Institute.

On Saturday, USA Network will get the bubbas running with the junior-varsity Loop 110 (2:30 p.m.). Sunday, NBC swoops in to present The Grant Park 220 (3:30 p.m.), which is a lower figure than the number of people who rioted when Sly Stone didn’t show for a free concert at the historic green space back in 1970.

Last year’s inaugural main event — the 220 — flirted with disaster. The start was delayed an hour because of weather and then darkness forced it to be shortened from 100 laps to 75.

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